The Lost Files of G'Kane

The known Races

Narn | Humans | Centauri | Minbari | Vorlons | Shadows
First Ones | non-aligned Worlds | other Races


The Vorlons are an ancient race, one of the First Ones, that have decided to stay behind and guide the younger races. They occupy a large part of space, and no one has ever returned from there.

Nobody has ever seen a Vorlon, and their ambassadors, like Kosh Naranek on Babylon 5, never leave their encounter suits. They say that this is bacause of the atmosphere, but as we have seen in the end of 2259, where Kosh left his Suit to rescue Sheridan, this is not true, they simply choose not to be seen for several reasons.

When Kosh finally revealed himself as a Creature of Light while rescuing Sheridan, all races saw something different, an angel-like creature from their own cultural background. The Vorlons use this as a disguise, and a mean to make the races react to them in the right way.

They believe that their way of helping evolution is better than that of the Shadows. They want to guide the younger races, instead of letting them evolve through conflict.

The Vorlons got involved directly into the ongoing Shadow War, to help the Army of Light gain new members. They engaged a Shadow fleet in a surprise attack and destroyed it completely. As a retaliation the Shadows killed ambassador Kosh for breaking an ancient pact between these two races. Back to the Top

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